Well it has been quite a journey so far.. but I won't bore you with all the details.
I started WebeaseUK in 2004 having taken voluntary redundancy from a long-term but stressful job at the ARA in Bedford.
The not very well thought-out plan was to do some web design which seemed like good fun. However the reality was that whilst I could code I had no real design skills. I also realised that it was very difficult to do work and find a constant source of new clients to work with. You design a website then need another client to keep the cash-flow going.
I quickly realised that I needed to be able to provide a service that helped businesses actually get something from their website and do this on a long-term basis. Many of the businesses I spoke to in those early days didn't expect anything to come from the website - it was just something that they had to have. So I offered to do a months work for almost peanuts to get them some sort of reward - if the phone rang once or they received a contact form submission it was usually enough to impress them ๐
This then started my involvement with SEO and SEP in a time where the internet was changing rapidly, keyword stuffing was still a thing and Google was starting its ascendancy.
In July 2012 I formed Rich Sale Limited - doing much the same as WebeaseUK but with a new name that related to me :).
For those who remember there were a lot of interesting changes to SEO and online promotion that were taking place. SEO practices that were common-place suddenly became outlawed. Grey-hat became Black-hat almost overnight and whilst a lot of SEO's were crying into their keyboards over lost rankings and clients; we just kept on doing what we always do which was to adapt and move on.
In 2017 I decided to dissolve Rich Sale Ltd. as we were spending far too much time sorting out accounts and doing all the legal stuff rather than growing the business.
This is when Rich Sale and Partners was formed - we are a sole trader partnership with a long history in SEO and promotion.
In 2023 we have moved to Wales. Same business just a better location with sea and mountains!!