Good PPC Management is one of the key areas of running successful Google Ads (AdWords) campaigns. This aspect is often totally ignored by businesses who try to run their own campaigns. The result is often money spent and little return or money spent and no idea of how effective the campaign was.

As a Google Ads PPC agency we provide comprehensive PPC management services to all sorts of businesses. Management is NOT just logging into the Google Ads account and adjusting a few bids or adding/deleting keywords. PPC management starts with the objective in mind.

We follow this fairly well trodden top level PPC Management Strategy:-

  1. Agree Marketing Objectives
  2. Devise an appropriate Google Ads strategy
  3. Define performance indicators and targets
  4. Agree budget and reporting frequency
  5. Create Campaigns and AdGroups around tightly themed keyword phrases
  6. Monitor campaigns daily - make small adjustments as required
  7. Weekly compile stats into campaign spreadsheet - calculate performance etc. and report.
  8. Review campaigns against objectives and adjust as required
  9. Monthly compile ongoing performance stats and report
  10. Monthly review

Items 1 to 5 are one off activities.

Items 6 to 9 are ongoing activities for the duration of the campaign.

Weekly PPC Management Tasks

The weekly PPC management tasks tend to start at the AdGroup level. How well are they performing in terms of click through rate (CTR) and average position.

Click Through Rate CTR

Those with a low CTR will definitely require some attention which will start at the keyword level.

If the total number of impressions is high and the average position is above #3 but the CTR is low then there is a very high probability that the keyword does not match the ad. We would then consider the validity of the keyword and decide whether it requires a new ad with more consistent wording. Sometimes at the start of a campaign there is a bit of reorganising required to move keywords into different AdGroups.

Quality Scores

We look at the quality scores for all keywords. (AdWords PPC Quality score explained)

Quality score is a direct multiplier for actual cost per click paid. So it is really important to keep them as high as possible. Keyword relevance to the ad and the landing page are both contributing factors to quality score. As an example if  a keyword in an AdGroup has a quality score of 1 they will pay 10 times what someone else would pay if they had a quality score of 10. So if you imagine that every position for each keyword has a price associated with it; then assume that the top position costs £10 the actual cost per click paid is £10/Q = CPC (where Q is the quality score). 

So for Q = 1; CPC = £10 and for Q = 10; CPC =£1

Fixing quality scores is not that difficult if you have access to the landing page (as well as AdWords). It is essentially making sure that there is consistency between Ad text , keyword and landing page. Often we find that if broad match terms have low quality scores then using the broad match modifier can sometimes help.

Here is a little explainer video from Google about quality scores:-

Ad Text Variations

We routinely run three ad variations minimum for each AdGroup. This allows us to constantly refine and improve the campaigns. Each week we will review and remove the worst performing ad and replace it with a new variation. If there is little difference we between all three then we just wait another week. This frequency of update depends on the number of impressions and clicks but it is a fairly standard split testing model.

Another explainer video from Big G!

Weekly PPC Campaign Review

Each week we compile the stats for each campaign into a single purpose built Google Docs spreadsheet. This includes impressions, clicks, cost from AdWords and conversions from Google Analytics, Emails, Phone Calls, Online Chats and any other agreed performance indicator.

We then use this data to automatically calculate CTR, CPC, Conversion Rate (for each channel) and cost per conversion.

We also automatically monitor spend against agreed budget - so that we can ensure that we stay within limits.

This process then allows us to review progress through the month for each campaign and to easily compare with the past performance. This data is easy to read and understand and makes decision making a lot easier.

The Monthly PPC Campaign Review

Item 'monthly review' is used to review and compare campaign performance over time and against overall the objectives. This is facilitated by compiling the weekly stats into monthly summaries (similar performance parameters).

This allows us to see how the campaigns are performing over time and against the agreed objectives.

AdWords Management Services

We can provide a PPC account manager who will be able to run your campaigns for you, from search advertising through to display advertising and complex remarketing. Your allocated AdWords account manager will look after your campaigns from start to finish ensuring that you get the most from our AdWords management services.

Why not get in touch to see how our Google Ads Agency Services services can help you with your PPC campaigns.