Businesses that realise the importance of their online presence realise that they need some form of input from an experienced SEO provider.

However, many small to medium sized businesses cannot afford to employ a full time SEO specialist even when they understand the huge benefit to business in the long term.

In order to bridge this gap they use the help of a freelance SEO consultant.

Rich Sale SEO Consultant

Freelance SEO Specialist for businesses

  • Proven track record across multiple business types    
  • Hands on SEO since 2007
  • Fully transparent process (no smoke and mirrors) 

  • Fully white labelled service (if required)  
  • My services go way beyond SEO
  • SEO solutions to suit your business requirements 

UK based Specialist Search Consultancy

I provide cost effective search SEO consultancy services which ensure that your website stays search engine friendly and that you see an increasing return from your online investment.

My understanding of the intricacies of the online world from the perspective of the search engines will help you get the most out of your business website.

The organic search environment is evolving at a dramatic rate and it is therefore vitally important that business make every effort to maintain an optimum online presence.

What are the benefits of using an SEO Freelancer?

Well the most significant one is experience and keeping up-to-date. - SEO is in some respects a moving target. You have to keep on top of the changes and which things really make a difference. There is so much chat, speculation and misinformation that it is so easy to get lost in all the SEO noise.

As a UK based SEO specialist we have the benefit of working across many different sites. This allows us to see, first hand, which things work and what does not. How long things take. Optimum timelines for promotion etc..

You only use us when you need us! Often we start off doing some specific tasks, then move on to a monthly programme then scale things back to a maintenance mode when good rankings/traffic/and sales are achieved. The level of freelance service required from us will depend on the specifics of your market. The more competitive the market is then probably the greater the ongoing involvement.

Access to SEO tools and services. As a freelance SEO consultant who works across multiple sites we have access to specific SEO tools and services. These will range from SERPS rank checkers, backlink checkers, site crawlers as well as subscriptions to information services like Search Engine News etc..  The ongoing monthly subscription cost of these tools and services can be significant however, the SEO freelancer has the benefit of being able to spread the cost across multiple clients.

So what can go wrong using an SEO Freelancer?

Well everything or nothing depending on your choice of freelancer. It is really important to ensure that you pick the right type of SEO for your needs. Some freelancers (like me) can offer a complete range of professional SEO services from assessing your requirements, setting up tracking, providing strategy input, to removing web penalties and promoting your site. Others can only offer specific tasks but generally SEO requires a multi-discipline approach.

The other big problem is that SEO has such a bad name - there won't be many businesses that don't receive emails and calls from so called SEO experts who can get you to the top of page 1 on Google. There will be many businesses who have paid for SEO only to get nothing in return.

Look for a good track record, testimonials from satisfied clients and examples of their work.

Of course if you need a reliable UK based  Freelance SEO Expert then get in touch.

Want To Improve Your Website's Performance?

If you need to get more out of your business website I can help. Proven track record of improving conversions from existing traffic and increasing traffic by improving your website's prominence on all the major search engines.

Why not request a FREE initial consultation by filling in the Discovery Form or by calling 07979 961 971 today.